Global Political Islam

  • Islamist Party in Tajikistan Sparking Debate about Threat of Transnational Extremism to Secular Democracy

    April 01, 2015

    Calls by the government of Tajikistan and some of the country's leading imams for a referendum on the closure of the Islamic Renaissance Party turn on concerns about the party's links to transnational networks of Islamist extremists and, thereby, poses a threat to the Tajik government's goals of developing secular, pluralist democracy in the country.

  • Yemen War Reveals State Islamist Power Struggles and Geopolitical Consequences

    April 01, 2015

    The full-scale, Sunni-Shiite civil war underway in Yemen is laying bare the serious geopolitical implications of the phenomenon of internationalized, militarized, state Islamism, represented by Saudi Arabia and Iran.

  • Islamic Reformation Is Key to Success for Countering Violent Extremist Islamism

    April 01, 2015

    "Muslim dissenters" argue that debates about the authenticity of Islam as a religion that promotes peace and tolerance versus violence and intolerance depend upon an internal Reformation entailing Muslims' self-reflexive critique and unqualified repudiation of both literalist theological claims and ahistorical leadership which are the wellspring of Islamist extremists and jihadis.

  • Global Jihadist Public Sphere Evident in Islamist Groups' Sharing and Adaptation

    April 01, 2015

    The borrowing, sharing, and adaptations across Islamist extremist groups such as the Islamic State ("IS") in the Mideast and Boko Haram in Africa, especially in terms of social media use, savage terror tactics, and operational strategy, point to the emergence of global jihadist public sphere aimed at appealing to multiple religious, socio-economic, and political constituencies.

  • Muslim Brotherhood Exerting Pressure on 2016 U.S. Presidential Campaign

    April 01, 2015

    The global Islamist organization, the Muslim Brotherhood, is inciting its U.S.-based groups to exert pressure on the earliest stages of the 2016 U.S. presidential election process, charging that a senior political consultant to the Jeb Bush campaign is an Islamophobe and demanding immediate dismissal from his advisory position.

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