Global Political Islam

  • NY Bikepath Terrorist Invokes "Islam’s War for Global Sharia"

    June 25, 2018

    The man charged with perpetrating the terrorist truck attack that killed and wounded dozens last year on a Manhattan bike path declared at his pretrial hearing in a New York courtroom that he supported the Islamic State war "to impose sharia on earth" and invoked "Allah’s judgments" as the only legitimate evaluation for human action.

  • Repressive Guardianship System Remains in Saudi Arabia

    June 25, 2018

    Experts warn that, despite the recognition of women's right to drive in Saudi Arabia, the Islamist clerical establishment is preventing broader moves toward social pluralism through the control mechanism of the guardianship system that uses law and custom to deprive women of a range of rights unless given permission by a male relative-guardian.

  • Iraqi Election Could Produce Islamist Sectarian Cooperation

    June 25, 2018

    Efforts to form a new government in the aftermath of Iraq’s national elections are tending toward a grand coalition of Shiite groups, including Islamists associated with Iran and non-Islamic State Sunnis from the country’s Arab and Kurdish populations, raising questions for US officials seeking to promote Iraqi unity but concerned about the consolidation of Iranian Islamist influence in Iraq.

  • IS Terrorist Receives Death Sentence in Indonesia

    June 22, 2018

    The high court of Indonesia, the world’s most populous Muslim majority country and the setting of increased radical Islamist activity and a spate of Islamic State (IS) attacks in recent years, has sent an anti-jihadist message through the death sentence for an IS-affiliated Muslim cleric convicted of masterminding a terrorist attack against civilian targets.

  • Brief Afghan Ceasefire Ends with Taliban Jihad

    June 22, 2018

    Though the cessation of hostilities has raised cautious optimism about a renewal in the effort to end the war, the brief ceasefire between the Government of Afghanistan and the Taliban ended with the Islamists back to the battlefield to continue the jihadist struggle to impose sharia across the country.

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