Global Political Islam

  • UN Body Finds French Ban on Veil Violates Rights

    October 24, 2018

    The UN Human Rights Committee has identified a French law banning the wearing of face coverings, including the Islamic veil, in public areas as a violation of international human rights law, rejecting the government’s arguments that the ban encourages inclusion and enhances security in French society.

  • UK’s Upcoming Release of Islamist Preacher Raises Alarms

    October 17, 2018

    The impending prison release this week of Islamist radical imam Anjem Choudary, who led the banned Islamic State-affiliated group al-Muhajiroun and whose followers perpetrated major terrorist events in London, has spawned security warnings from deradicalization experts and police protection units.

  • Amazon Hosted Islamist Extremist Group on Platform

    October 10, 2018

    Amazon is caught in a firestorm for what the internet giant has declared was the unintentional hosting, as part of its online charitable donations program, of an Islamist extremist "charity," underscoring complex challenges involved in the convergence of Islamist extremism and internet platforms.

  • OIC Calls for Respect of Islam, Limits to Free Speech

    October 03, 2018

    The Foreign Ministers’ Council of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) issued a statement at the opening of the UN General Assembly calling for the conditionalizing of free speech according to the responsibility to respect “ethical, moral, and legal obligations” relating to Islam’s “revered personalities and symbols.”

  • Moody’s Predicts Exponential Islamic Banking Growth in Africa

    September 26, 2018

    Credit rating group Moody's Investor Service projects that Islamic financial and banking services will experience rapid growth across the African continent over the next five years, given the cultural affinities of sharia-compliant/compatible finance with the estimated 40-percent Muslim population in Africa.

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