Violence and Security

  • UN Condemns All Parties for War Crimes in Yemen

    November 28, 2018

    A new report by the Group of Experts on Yemen commissioned by the UN asserts that all parties to the Islamic Sunni-Shiite sectarian war led by Saudi Arabia, Iran, and their proxy allies have committed war crimes, including indiscriminate targeting of civilians and non-military infrastructure.

  • CAIR Plays Islamophobia Card to Censor Cartoon

    November 14, 2018

    The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) succeeded in pressuring a public library in Texas to remove from its shelves Holy Terror, a graphic-novel story of comic superheroes fighting Al Qaeda in New York City, using social media to frame the comic as “Islamophobic.”

  • Dutch Agency Reports on Turkish Support for Jihad in Europe

    November 07, 2018

    According to a report by the Dutch General Intelligence and Security Service, NATO member-state Turkey is giving aid and comfort to Islamic State (IS) militants planning jihadi operations in Europe in exchange for IS support of Turkey’s Islamist government and war against the Kurds.

  • UN Body Finds French Ban on Veil Violates Rights

    October 24, 2018

    The UN Human Rights Committee has identified a French law banning the wearing of face coverings, including the Islamic veil, in public areas as a violation of international human rights law, rejecting the government’s arguments that the ban encourages inclusion and enhances security in French society.

  • UK’s Upcoming Release of Islamist Preacher Raises Alarms

    October 17, 2018

    The impending prison release this week of Islamist radical imam Anjem Choudary, who led the banned Islamic State-affiliated group al-Muhajiroun and whose followers perpetrated major terrorist events in London, has spawned security warnings from deradicalization experts and police protection units.

  • Amazon Hosted Islamist Extremist Group on Platform

    October 10, 2018

    Amazon is caught in a firestorm for what the internet giant has declared was the unintentional hosting, as part of its online charitable donations program, of an Islamist extremist "charity," underscoring complex challenges involved in the convergence of Islamist extremism and internet platforms.

  • Afghanistan Faces Challenge of Deradicalizing Child Soldiers

    September 26, 2018

    The Afghanistan government’s long war against the Taliban and, more recently, the Islamic State has produced the need to deradicalize the child soldiers brainwashed in Islamist schools and trained to support jihadi operations.

  • Time Horizon Is Key to US Defeat of Islamist Extremism

    September 19, 2018

    Al-Qaeda’s long-term worldview has been crucial to its resilience in an asymmetrical war waged against American values and interests, as Islamist militants calculate their advantage lies in the impatience of US policymakers and the American public for a long war against the ideas and activities of global jihad.

  • US Charges Indiana Woman with Support to IS

    September 19, 2018

    An Elkhart, Indiana, woman charged with providing material support to the Islamic State (IS) is claiming that her husband coerced her to travel into IS territory in Syria as she wanted to protect her children.

  • German Intel Warns Salafist Minors Are Growing Domestic Threat

    September 19, 2018

    A recent report by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution points to a growing domestic security and societal threat from the radicalization of children and teens exposed to Salafist Islamists preaching extremist ideology and violence, with mosques and public schools targeting Muslim citizens and new refugee arrivals requiring policy adjustments and innovations.

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