Business & Human Rights

  • Japanese NGO Issues Report on BHR Challenges by Sector

    January 06, 2016

    The Nippon CSR Consortium, a Japanese organization that seeks to promote business and human rights ("BHR") issues, has issued a new version of its report "Human Rights Issues by Sector," which pushes businesses to engage in human rights dialogue and due diligence processes to further the UN's and activists' BHR agenda.

  • UK Activists Call on Companies to Report Climate Risks

    January 06, 2016

    The Independent reports that, in light of the UN agreement on climate change reached in Paris in December 2015, a group of nongovernmental organizations and pension funds in the UK are calling for energy and other companies to do more to disclose to investors the potential risks to their profits and operations caused by government policies countering global warming.

  • Businesses Offer Advice on Corporate Global-Warming Policies

    January 06, 2016

    Aman Singh, a vice president of communications and marketing firm Edelman, highlights how consultancies and similar firms are capitalizing on developments such as the recent UN climate deal by advising companies to implement often-complex and costly changes in their operations to make way for the "inevitability" of global warming and responsive measures.

  • Paper Outlines US Corporate Lobbying on Human Rights

    January 06, 2016

    In a working paper, Professor Emilie Hafner-Burton and Heidi McNamara of the University of California, San Diego, highlight how US corporations are responding to increased pressure by global organizations and activists on the business and human rights ("BHR") agenda by feeding more funding into lobbying on human-rights legislation at the federal level.

  • HRW Issues Guidelines for Construction Companies in Gulf

    January 05, 2016

    According to U.S. News and World Report, Human Rights Watch has issued guidelines for construction companies operating in Gulf Arab states to protect the human rights, including maximum working hours, overtime pay, and payment of recruiting fees, of migrant workers in the region.

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