Business & Human Rights

  • Report Examines Swedish BHR Compliance in Development

    March 09, 2016

    A report from the Swedish nongovernmental organization EBA reviews the Government of Sweden's implementation of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights ("BHR") in encouraging public cooperation with private industry in providing development aid.

  • GRI Seeks Corporate Reporting on Gender Equality Measures

    March 09, 2016

    The Global Reporting Initiative ("GRI") describes the pressure it has placed on businesses around the world to report on their efforts to further gender equality, including through equal pay and leadership diversity initiatives.

  • NGO Criticizes UK Security Trade Fair

    March 09, 2016

    The nongovernmental organization Campaign Against Arms Trade has criticized the UK Government for promoting British business sales of nonlethal weapons to regimes, including Israel, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia, accused of repressing their populations by hosting a security fair in Hampshire for police officials from around the world.

  • UN Official Calls on Mobile Industry to Support SDGs

    March 04, 2016

    In recent remarks, the UN Adviser to the Secretary-General on the organization's Sustainable Development Goals ("SDGs"), David Nabarro, called on companies in the mobile technology industry to partner with governments and international organizations to "promote, advance, and measure" the SDGs.

  • California Emissions Tax Costs Billions

    March 04, 2016

    Bloomberg reports that California's "cap-and-trade" system, which effectively taxes businesses on the carbon emissions they release, is costing some energy companies hundreds of millions of dollars per year and the entire industry approximately $3 billion, most of which will likely be passed on to consumers.

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