Stakeholder Capitalism

  • UN Pushes Standards in Real Estate Sector

    July 15, 2015

    The UN Global Compact and the accreditation body the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors have released a guide for companies to advance responsible practices in the area of land, construction, and real estate operations and investments.

  • UN Global Compact Considers Impact on Businesses

    July 14, 2015

    At its recent 15th anniversary event, the UN Global Compact celebrated the pressure it has placed on businesses to adopt the UN social, environmental, and governance agenda and looked forward to pushing companies to ensure that their operations comply with the global "sustainability" movement.

  • NCPs: Strengthen Grievance Mechanism Against Businesses

    June 24, 2015

    At their recent annual meeting, the National Contact Points ("NCPs") for the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises called for countries to stiffen penalties against companies that decline to participate in the NCP grievance process and for greater funding to carry out their mandate.

  • OECD Action Plan Promotes Global Governance of Businesses

    June 22, 2015

    The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (“OECD”) has published its Action Plan on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (“BEPS”), the tax policy action items of which include an extensive country-by-country corporate revenue and tax policy reporting requirement and the adoption of an international treaty.

  • Garst: OECD BEPS Project Threatens Tax Competition and Economic Liberty

    June 22, 2015

    In a new paper, the Center for Freedom and Prosperity's Brian Garst explains how, through its Base Income and Profit Shifting ("BEPS") Project, the OECD is engaging in a war against tax competition that will enable "endless global fishing expeditions and provide cover for governments to choke the economy with new taxes."

  • NGO Calls for Bolstered NCP Corporate Review Process

    June 17, 2015

    The nongovernmental organization ("NGO") OECD Watch has called for OECD National Contact Points ("NCPs") to do more to ensure corporate accountability for alleged human rights violations and environmental harm, along with material consequences for corporations' refusal to participate in the NCP process.

  • UN Initiative Focuses on Corporate "Rule of Law" Practices

    June 17, 2015

    The Centre for International Governance Innovation ("CIGI") has published an article praising a new UN initiative called "Business for the Rule of Law" that will seek to pressure businesses to include in their operations standard practices promoting the broad concept of the rule of law.

  • NCP Seeks Impact Assessments of Company's Security Contracts

    June 12, 2015

    The UK National Contact Point ("NCP") for the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development ("OECD") has published an opinion calling for the company G4S to assess the human rights effects of contracts under which it provides security services in Israel.

  • OECD Promotes Guidelines on Sustainability Investments

    June 10, 2015

    A task force established by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development ("OECD") has produced a set of guidelines seeking to place pressure on countries to attract "sustainable investment," including in support of "green growth."

  • Union Group Files OECD Complaint Against FIFA

    June 10, 2015

    A complaint from Building and Wood Workers International filed at the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development's ("OECD") national contact point in Switzerland alleges that the International Association of Federation Football ("FIFA") failed to perform due diligence on the use of migrant construction workers preparing for the 2022 World Cup in Qatar.

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