Stakeholder Capitalism

  • UN Seeks Integration of BHR into Corporate "Crisis Planning"

    December 15, 2015

    In a recent "Good Practice Note," the UN Global Compact instructs companies how best to implement the global business and human rights ("BHR") agenda in "crisis planning," including through the use of "human rights due diligence" to prioritize BHR issues in crises.

  • UN Pushes Businesses to Adopt BHR Policies

    December 09, 2015

    The UN Global Compact has published the second edition of its business guide on "How to Develop a Human Rights Policy," in which it asserts that such a policy is "a company's public expression of its commitment to meet its responsibility to respect" the UN- and activist-promoted global business and human rights ("BHR") agenda.

  • UN Seeks "Sustainability" Through Human Rights at Forum

    November 25, 2015

    At the recent UN Forum on Business and Human Rights ("BHR") in Geneva, the UN Global Compact pushed the concept that the UN's agenda on "sustainable development" can only be successful if businesses around the world agree to implement the UN's BHR principles.

  • UN Network Pushes Companies on "Sustainability" Reporting

    November 03, 2015

    The UN Global Compact Network France has launched a website guiding companies how to report on their implementation of the UN's "sustainability" agenda, which includes social and environmental goals pursued by international bodies and activists.

  • UN Seeks Stock Exchange Support of ESG Agenda

    October 30, 2015

    In an effort supported by the UN Global Compact, investors and companies have sent letters to 64 stock exchanges calling on them to seek reporting from businesses in their market on efforts to implement the UN's environmental, social, and governance ("ESG") agenda, in order to permit investors, and the UN, to evaluate their progress on these factors.

  • UN Releases Step-by-Step Guide to Addressing BHR Impacts

    October 28, 2015

    The UN Global Compact Network Germany and management consultancy twentyfifty Ltd. have released a step-by-step guide on how companies should manage their impacts on business and human rights ("BHR") issues and perform due diligence to be prepared to show that they are implementing the UN's BHR agenda.

  • Swiss NCP Accepts Complaint Against FIFA

    October 28, 2015

    The Swiss National Contact Point ("NCP") under the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development's Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises has accepted a complaint from an international NGO alleging that the International Federation of Association Football ("FIFA") has not addressed human rights violations related to preparations for the 2022 World Cup in Qatar.

  • NGO Urges UK to Act on NCP's Security Company Decision

    October 27, 2015

    A letter from the nongovernmental organization Lawyers for Palestinian Human Rights calls on the UK Government to pressure security company G4S to comply with a decision of the country's National Contact Point ("NCP") under Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development ("OECD") guidelines finding that G4S had breached Palestinian human rights.

  • UN Pushes Children's Rights Principles Among Businesses

    October 27, 2015

    At an event in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, the UN Global Compact, UNICEF, and the nongovernmental organization Save the Children called for implementation of the Children's Rights and Business Principles, a "comprehensive range of actions" for businesses to prevent adverse impacts of their operations on children.

  • G20 Ministers Endorse OECD Tax Proposals

    October 27, 2015

    At a recent meeting in Lima, Peru, finance ministers from the G20 group of countries endorsed the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development's ("OECD") proposal for global rules governing tax-information exchange among countries to prevent tax avoidance by corporations.

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