European Institutions

  • ECHR Calls for Belgium Review of Prison Conditions

    November 26, 2014

    In a decision granting an applicant compensation for alleged human rights violations in Belgian prisons, including his sharing cells with smokers, the European Court of Human Rights ("ECHR") called on Belgium to adopt "general measures guaranteeing prisoners adequate conditions of detention."

  • FRA Calls for EU "Child Protection System"

    November 26, 2014

    The EU Agency for Fundamental Rights ("FRA") has called for the EU to protect, among other things, the economic and social rights of European children by putting together "an integrated child protection system" that operates across the bloc.

  • U.K. Justice Criticizes "Slavish" Adherence to ECHR Rulings

    November 19, 2014

    In a recent speech, Lord Toulson of the U.K. Supreme Court argued that in the early years of the U.K. Human Rights Act, which requires British courts to "take into account" rulings of the European Court of Human Rights ("ECHR"), judges "went too far" in considering themselves bound by ECHR decisions.

  • EU Official Acknowledges Importance of Subsidiarity

    November 19, 2014

    Reflecting the current pressure of anti-EU parties on European institutions, European Commissioner for Energy Union Maroš Šefcovic has called for respect of the principle of subsidiarity and has argued that national parliaments must have a greater say in EU decisions.

  • MEPs Introduce Resolution to Censure Juncker

    November 19, 2014

    A group of euroskeptic members of the European Parliament ("MEPs") have introduced a resolution, which must be debated and voted upon, to censure European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker for his role in "tax avoidance policies" when he was Prime Minister of Luxembourg.

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