Law & Justice

  • EU Releases 2015 Justice Scoreboard

    March 11, 2015

    The European Commission has published the 2015 EU Justice Scoreboard, which monitors the quality, efficiency, and independence of member states' justice systems as a basis for recommendations for improvement.

  • EU Court Upholds Decision to Block Securities Exchange Merger

    March 11, 2015

    Reuters reports that the General Court of the EU has upheld the European Commission's decision to block the merger of securities exchange operators NYSE Euronext and Deutsche Börse AG, setting up a potential appeal by Deutsche Börse to the EU's Court of Justice.

  • ECJ Requires Company to Pay for Pacemaker Replacements

    March 11, 2015

    Med Device Online reports that in light of the finding that some of its pacemakers from a certain product line were faulty, the Court of Justice of the EU is requiring the medical company Boston Scientific to pay for each surgery in Germany to replace these devices, even though not all were found to be faulty.

  • Report Finds EU Influences Nearly Two-Thirds of U.K. Law

    March 04, 2015

    A new study from the nongovernmental organization Business for Britain has found that approximately 65% of U.K. laws are related to regulations and directives passed by the EU.

  • New EU Commission Adopts Rule of Law Framework

    February 20, 2015

    First Vice-President of the European Commission Frans Timmermans has announced that the Commission will monitor threats to the rule of law and fundamental rights from the EU member states using the centralized "rule of law framework" announced under the previous Commission in 2014.

  • Leaders in EU Call for Anti-Terrorism Travel Measures

    February 12, 2015

    Reuters reports that a statement from national government leaders in the EU calls for stricter border controls and greater information-sharing among governments in order to prevent terrorist attacks in the bloc.

  • EU Parliament Resists Passenger Record Proposal

    February 11, 2015

    EurActiv reports that despite pressure from national governments, a group of European Parliament members are maintaining their stance against a European Commission proposal to create an EU-wide database that would store information on travelers across the bloc.

  • EU Seeks to Facilitate Cross-Border Traffic Penalties

    February 11, 2015

    The Telegraph reports that a European Commission proposal would facilitate European countries' pursuit of suspects of traffic violations in courts abroad and that the Commission will next year consider permitting countries to add points to a driver's license issued by another EU member state.

  • EU Considers Extensive Passenger Information Record

    January 28, 2015

    The Guardian reports that the European Commission is crafting a proposal that would require the maintenance of an EU-wide database that would store for up to five years 42 pieces of information gathered from each passenger on a flight within Europe or in and out of Europe.

  • EU Considers Surveillance Tools to Fight Terrorism

    January 21, 2015

    The Washington Post reports that the EU is considering introducing new provisions standardizing the sharing of intelligence among countries in the bloc, including a passenger name record database that would permit countries to track information about travelers across Europe.

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