Business & Human Rights

  • Roundtable Focuses on BHR Treaty Strategy

    July 26, 2017

    In the lead-up to a third working session on the development of a binding UN treaty on business and human rights (BHR), a group of BHR advocates gathered in London to discuss the best diplomatic approach to the negotiation of the treaty to ensure adoption and implementation of BHR principles by businesses around the world.

  • UN, GSMA Partner on Mobile Initiative for SDGs

    July 26, 2017

    The UN Development Program and GSMA, a global trade organization for mobile operators, have announced a partnership in which they will "consider new business models and mechanisms" to support the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and determine how best to use mobile technology to achieve the wide-ranging UN social and environmental agenda.

  • NGO: Block Energy Lobby from Climate Summits

    July 26, 2017

    Lending ammunition to growing calls from poor countries to exclude businesses from global climate negotiations, the nongovernmental organization Corporate Accountability International has released a report asserting that the presence of "fossil fuel lobbies" at such summits blocks progress in the fight against global warming.

  • Airports Seek Certification for Climate Action

    July 26, 2017

    Travel Daily News reports that the Airport Carbon Accreditation program is reporting a growing number of airports around the world obtaining certification under its initiative by monitoring and addressing their greenhouse gas emissions, in line with the global agenda on combating climate change.

  • Campaign Pressures Investors on Climate Risk Management

    July 25, 2017

    The Guardian reports that, as part of the expanding agenda pushing financial institutions to publicly disclose the risks climate change poses to their portfolios, the Asset Owner Disclosure Project recently released an index rating asset owners and managers on a scale from "laggards" to "leaders" on how they manage financial risks related to global warming.

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