Business & Human Rights

  • Companies Adopt Reporting of SDG Progress

    August 02, 2017

    An article on the website Eco-Business documents the growing success of the UN and activist organizations in convincing businesses to use the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a benchmark by which to measure and report their contributions to the global social and environmental policy agenda.

  • NGO Files US Fishing Complaint at International Rights Body

    August 02, 2017

    AP reports that the nongovernmental organization Turtle Island Restoration Network has filed a complaint with the Organization of American States’ Inter-American Human Rights Commission alleging that Hawaii's longline fishing fleet commits violations of the business and human rights agenda against foreign workers.

  • Article: US Should Adopt "Environmental Rights"

    August 02, 2017

    Nicholas Stump of West Virginia University College of Law describes efforts by academics and activist organizations in Appalachia to persuade governments to import the idea, prevalent in international organizations, of "environmental human rights" - the rights to breathe clean air, drink clean water, and eat safe food - to protect Americans from abusive industry practices.

  • NGO Calls for Canadian "Due Diligence" Reporting

    August 02, 2017

    The Shareholder Association for Research and Education, a Canadian shareholder advocacy group, has called on the Canadian government to impose on companies mandatory reporting on their "due diligence" efforts toward combating violations of the business and human rights (BHR) agenda in their supply chains, similar to requirements in the UK, EU, and other jurisdictions.

  • Palm Oil Company Obtains "Sustainability" Certification

    August 01, 2017

    Demonstrating the growing success of nongovernmental groups in pushing businesses toward global "sustainability" and human rights standards, the Colombian palm oil company Daabon Group has touted its certification by the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil as a company that shows "sustainability across the entire organisation."

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