• NGO Derides "Voluntary" Mechanisms to Promote BHR Principles

    September 10, 2014

    The director of the nongovernmental organization ("NGO") CORE argues that the U.K. must replace its voluntary standards implementing international business and human rights ("BHR") principles with binding laws to prevent British businesses from violating these principles in other countries.

  • UN's Online Child Safety Standards Include "Digital Citizenship" Education

    September 10, 2014

    In guidelines seeking to standardize how internet companies around the world protect "children's needs in the online world," a group of UN agencies included standards on "how to enable responsible digital citizenship, learning and civic participation."

  • ICAR Seeks Implementation of BHR Principles in U.S. Contracts

    September 10, 2014

    The nongovernmental organization the International Corporate Accountability Roundtable ("ICAR") has called on the U.S. Government to evaluate contract bids on the adherence of the companies involved to international principles on business and human rights ("BHR").

  • NGOs Seek Standardization of NAP Development Process

    September 03, 2014

    Comments from a group of nongovernmental organizations ("NGOs") to the UN Working Group on business and human rights ("BHR") encourage the body to "widen the net" of countries developing national action plans ("NAPs") on international BHR principles by standardizing the process of their development.

  • Professor Seeks Next Stage of BHR Principles

    August 20, 2014

    An article by Professor Tara Melish discusses how to move "beyond the end of the beginning" in implementing the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights ("BHR"), including "empowering" civil society participation and considering the role of a binding international BHR treaty.

  • Greenpeace Pushes Global Environmental Governance

    August 13, 2014

    An article from directors at Greenpeace International calls for a new mechanism of global governance that has the authority to sanction governments that do not take sufficient action to rein in businesses that contribute to climate change.

  • ICAR Calls on President to Develop U.S. NAP

    August 06, 2014

    The International Corporate Accountability Roundtable ("ICAR") has petitioned the White House to develop a U.S. National Action Plan ("NAP") for implementing the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

  • IHRB Seeks U.S. Acceptance of BHR in Africa Investments

    August 06, 2014

    The Institute for Human Rights and Business ("IHRB") has called for the U.S. Government to seek adherence to the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights ("BHR") and other internationally developed BHR standards in promoting "responsible investment" in African countries.

  • Rhodes: BHR Treaty Process Has Diluting Effect on Human Rights

    July 30, 2014

    Aaron Rhodes writes that the approval by the UN Human Rights Council of the development of a business and human rights ("BHR") treaty will have little effect in countries with the worst human rights records and will draw attention away from the effective protection of citizens through democratic participation.

  • IHRB: New UN Rights Chief Must Advance BHR Agenda

    July 23, 2014

    An article from the Institute for Human Rights and Business ("IHRB") argues that the next UN High Commissioner for Human Rights must advance the international agenda on business and human rights ("BHR") and promote dialogue in the process to develop a binding treaty on the issue.

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