Surveillance Capitalism

  • Coca-Cola Implements BHR Agenda

    October 02, 2015

    An interview with Coca-Cola's director of global workplace rights Brent Wilton reveals how the multinational corporation has responded to pressure by international organizations and activists by integrating the UN's business and human rights ("BHR") agenda into its operations.

  • Supermarket Adopts NGO Wage Recommendation

    September 23, 2015

    German supermarket chain Lidl has announced that it has adopted the recommendation of the Living Wage Foundation in raising the level of wages of its employees in England, Wales, and Scotland.

  • BG Group Announces Compliance with BHR Principles

    September 23, 2015

    The energy company BG Group has issued a statement pledging compliance with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights ("BHR") and highlighting the company's performance of environmental and human rights impact assessments.

  • Beverage Company Faces Criticism over Climate Commitments

    September 16, 2015

    Indicating the potential pitfalls of corporate integration of the international environmental agenda, civil society organizations are targeting beverage company Diageo for criticism over the business's failure to meet environmental goals - such as reducing carbon emissions and increasing water efficiency - it set for its operations in 2008.

  • Nestlé Announces "Sustainable" Chocolate Bar Production

    September 09, 2015

    As the UN and activists push an environmental and social agenda among companies around the world, food corporation Nestlé has announced that it will produce its chocolate candy bar KitKat using "sustainably sourced cocoa."

  • Oil Companies Sign on to UN Methane Plan

    August 31, 2015

    Demonstrating pressure on businesses from activists and UN officials to implement the UN climate change agenda, a group of oil companies have agreed to a pledge, produced by the UN, to reduce methane emissions.

  • Article Pushes Business Case for Environmental, Social Action

    August 14, 2015

    As companies increasingly face pressure from the UN and activists to show they are implementing the global environmental and human rights agenda, Martin Wrights argues that these companies are finding that there is a business case to push for changes in social and environmental policies.

  • L'Oréal USA Joins Climate Change Coalition

    August 12, 2015

    Beauty products company L'Oréal USA has announced that it will join the Business for Innovative Climate & Energy Policy ("BICEP") group, a coalition of 35 businesses seeking to advance the international climate change agenda and US President Barack Obama's climate plan, as pressure from the UN and activists for corporate action rises.

  • Insurance Company Commits to ESG Agenda

    August 12, 2015

    The CEO of UK insurance company Aviva has pledged to remove investments from energy companies it believes are not doing enough to counter climate change and to consider environmental, social, and governance ("ESG") factors, championed by the UN and environmental and human rights activists, in its investment decisions.

  • KPMG Australia Acquires BHR Consultancy

    August 04, 2015

    As pressure rises from the UN and activists on financial and other companies to implement the global business and human rights ("BHR") agenda, accounting group KPMG Australia has purchased BHR and "social impact" consultancy Banarra in order to help advise its customers on human rights and social risks.

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