Global Political Islam

  • Taliban Uses Violence to Undermine Afghan Elections

    December 10, 2018

    Afghanistan’s government moved forward in holding national elections, despite violent attacks in the pre-election period and intimidation and episodic violence during the elections by the Taliban and other Islamist groups committed to implementation of sharia law across the Southwest Asian country.

  • Regulatory Advantages Add to Sharia Banking Growth in UK

    December 10, 2018

    Sharia-compliant retail banks in the UK are demonstrating comparatively strong growth among non-Muslim banking customers, given the comparative advantages created by Islamic finance's exclusion from standard regulatory practices imposed on the non-sharia banks in the UK.

  • OIC Stays Engaged on Palestine Issue at the UN

    December 10, 2018

    The 57-member-state Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) commended the UN General Assembly vote to upgrade the status of Palestine in the UN machinery and emphasized the OIC commitment to making Jerusalem the capital of the State of Palestine.

  • Brits Release Radical Preacher Supportive of IS

    December 10, 2018

    The British government has released radical Islamist preacher Anjem Choudary, who was convicted under the UK’s Terrorism Act for his radicalization and recruitment for IS and associated  extremist groups, under stringent supervisory parole restrictions.

  • US Clamps Down on IS Finance Networks

    December 10, 2018

    The US Treasury’s Office of Foreign Asset Control (OFAC) continued its clampdown on Islamic State (IS) financing networks identified as providers of “financial, material, or technical support” to the Islamist group, imposing sanctions on a money-exchange company based in Iraq only weeks after OFAC sanctions on a company based in the Caribbean.

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