Business & Human Rights

  • Civil Society Program Provides "Pathways" to Ethical Sourcing

    November 14, 2017

    The Action Programme on Responsible and Ethical Sourcing has produced a white paper showing the advanced and complex nature of business and human rights and due diligence advocacy by providing a step-by-step, comprehensive process for construction and property companies to vet their supply chains for labor violations.

  • UN Group Pushes Expansive Right to BHR Remedy

    November 13, 2017

    The UN Working Group on business and human rights (BHR) issues has published a guidance document calling on countries around the world to adopt an "all roads to remedy" approach to alleged BHR violations that would expand access to people claiming such violations to a "bouquet of remedies" dependent on the nature of the violation.

  • NGO Pushes for Rights Analysis of EU-Indonesia Trade Talks

    November 13, 2017

    The Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations (SOMO) has published an article calling for EU officials to base the negotiation of a free-trade agreement between the EU and Indonesia on the outcome of a human rights impact assessment that aims to ensure "equitable and sustainable development" in Indonesia.

  • EU Ministers Hasten Talks on Tax Haven "Blacklist"

    November 08, 2017

    Reuters reports that, following another document leak, called the "Paradise Papers," showing substantial corporate investments in offshore funds to avoid taxes, EU finance ministers will meet to discuss a "blacklist" that could lead to the sanctioning of certain countries deemed to have financial policies that facilitate corporate tax avoidance.

  • Lawyers: Force Companies to Scrutinize Gulf Labor Practices

    November 08, 2017

    Two attorneys from the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights call for the expanded use of strategic litigation to force Western companies with labor supply chains in Gulf countries to perform heightened human rights due diligence to show they do not contribute to forced labor in that region.

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